The University Library of Regensburg, founded in 1964, is a central facility of the University of Regensburg and at the same time the largest academic library in the region.
Its holdings include about 3.37 million books as well as microforms, audio-visual media, CD-ROMs and about 8,900 current periodicals and newspapers.
With the construction of a Digital Library, the Regensburg University Library - in particular through the development of the Electronic Journals Library and the Database Information System - has established a leading role in Germany and abroad. It offers a constantly expanding range of academically relevant electronic full-texts.
The Regensburg University Library closely co-operates with other libraries in Regensburg and has joint cataloguing with e.g. the holdings of the Prince Thurn and Taxis Court Library and the State Library of Regensburg. All can be used in the joint Regensburg OPAC.