The University Library in Bratislava is the apex of scientific, informational, cultural and educational institutions of Slovakia.
Established in 1919, with collections dating back to the 17th century, it served until 1954 as the national library of Slovakia and became an independent, universal research library offering complex library and information services for the general public; carrying out high level bibliographic research, publishing, cultural and educational activities and holding several national and international responsibilities.
It fulfils its mission as
* the depository and conservation library of the Slovak Republic
* the depository library for the United Nations, UNESCO and NATO
* the office for the national retrospective bibliography
* the provider of the national union catalogue of periodicals
* the national ISSN agency of Slovak Republic
* the co-ordinator of the international interlibrary loan service
* the centre for digitisation, conservation and restoration and
* the integrator of cultural information systems.
Its main aim is to safeguard the cultural heritage and vast documentary wealth and to make it accessible to the general public and for future generations.
University Library in Bratislava
Library Website
Terms & Conditions