EOD Network will discuss the future fields of activity
From 28-29 April 2016 the EOD network of 37 libraries across Europe will meet in Swiss National Library in Bern.
From 28-29 April 2016 the EOD network of 37 libraries across Europe will meet in Swiss National Library in Bern.
From 7-8 May, 2015 Vienna City Library hosted the meeting of the EOD Library Network at Wiener Rathaus. Libraries discussed the developments of the EOD service and other common topics related to the digital library services.
From 16 to 29 March 2015 12 libraries across Europe offer public domain books up to 200 pages for digitization at a cost of 10 euros maximum*.
The Uppsala University Library from Sweden joined the eBooks on Demand (EOD) Network and started to offer the books until 1851 from their collections for digitisation on demand. The EOD eBooks can now be ordered from 37 libraries across Europe.
The eBooks on Demand (EOD) project has resulted in many developments of the EOD digitisation service. The EOD service will continue to be offered by the self-sustaining network of 37 libraries across Europe.
On 11 April 2014 the international conference "Sustaining the networked future: use and reuse of digital content" will be hosted by the University of Innsbruck under the aegis of the eBooks on Demand (EOD) network.
Through various case-studies the conference examines how can digital materials be made visible and stay visible, be linked and endure.