- You will have the possibility to add an exciting new service to your portfolio and satisfy the needs of your users. All your books from 1500 to 1900 can be made available as eBooks on Demand through the EOD service.
- The digitised books will belong to you and you can integrate them into your digital library or repository. So, in addition to the eBook service, you may continually increase the number of your digital materials.
- The risk for implementing the service is low: the service already runs on more than 40 sites in 12 European countries. You will benefit from all the routines and solutions found within the EOD network.
- The EOD network serves as an advisory group for efficient and cost effective methods of digitisation as far as guidelines, standards and effective workflows are concerned.
- The EOD network provides you with flyers, leaflets, posters, handouts, instructions and other material which you can directly use for your purposes.