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Long-term Preservation in the Focus of the eBooks on Demand Network Meeting

4-5 May, 2017 the eBooks on Demand (EOD) Library Network holds its annual meeting at the University Library of Bratislava in Slovakia. Long-term preservation is in the spotlight, future developments will also be discussed.

A network of 50 libraries in France started to offer the eBooks on Demand (EOD) service

Toulouse and Midi-Pyrénées Universities Libraries Network is opening up the public domain collections of fifty libraries for digitisation-on-demand via EOD service.

Christmas offer for digitization by 12 libraries across Europe

From 5-18 December, 2016 12 eBooks on Demand (EOD) Network libraries offer EOD e-books for half the price. The collections of public domain books offered for digitization count up to 1,8 million items.


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