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the future of reading is digital

EOD Network gathered to catch upon the newest updates

From 7-8 May, 2015 Vienna City Library hosted the meeting of the EOD Library Network at Wiener Rathaus. Libraries discussed the developments of the EOD service and other common topics related to the digital library services.


Looking back at 2014, the libraries were pleased to see that all in all nearly 500 000 pages were digitized on demand for 1814 customers from 47 countries. “The increase in orders and the number of returning customers gives us assuring feedback on the relevance and the quality of the service,” said Silvia Gstrein, the coordinator of the EOD Network from the University of Innsbruck.


The common search engine provides now access to the collections of 33 EOD libraries and delivers altogether 22% of digitization orders. New titles available as reprinted books can now be found from Lulu in addition to Amazon. The libraries mutually agreed on the continuous non-profit approach in their pricing policy.


A common concern is the digitization of sensitive content, which libraries perform according to the national law. The next issue to be in the libraries’ agendas is documenting the clarification of rights on the orphan works according to the EC regulation.